about waterton
Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta is surrounded by the Canadian Rockies and extends into Glacier Park, Montana. It's where the prairies meet the mountains; creating exquisite and breathtaking scenery, a home to wildlife and an adventurous playground for outdoor enthusiasts.
The townsite is a quaint village made up of cottage families, some of whom have been here for generations, summer employees & Parks Canada staff, even fewer year round residents and is mainly populated by the hundreds of thousands visitors it sees each year. The town goes into hibernation from November to April as cabins and businesses get closed up (with the exception of Waterton Lakes Lodge Resort and Glacier Suites, which are the only properties open year round); presenting a peaceful contrast to the excitement and activities of summer.
Waterton Lakes National Park will undoubtedly leave you in awe any time of the year. Click on the yellow links at the bottom right for more information. (Links will open in another window)

A Waterton-pedia of facts, history, wildlife, vegetation, geology, Park fees and information, etc...
Things to do, hiking information, events, contests, blogs...
Accommodation, dining, amenities, business directory, photo gallery...
Comprehensive unbiased info for visitors: Accommodation, restaurant and merchant listings; local events and festivals; calendar; community; activities; maps; tourist info; etc. Managed by the Waterton Chamber of Commerce